X86-64 Architecture Guide

For the code-generation project, we expect your compiler to produce simple assembly code.  We shall expose you to a subset of the x86-64 platform.


Consider the following Decaf program:

class Program {

int foo(int x) {
return x + 3;

void main() {
int y;

y = foo(callout("get_int_035"));
if (y == 15) {
callout("printf", "Indeed! \'tis 15!\n");
} else {
callout("printf", "What! %d\n", y);


For the code generation phase of the compiler project, you are encouraged to output simple and inefficient (but correct!) assembly code.  This assembly code can assign every variable and temporary to a location on the current stack frame.  Every expression value will be loaded from the stack, manipulated using the registers %r10 and %r11, and then the result will be written back to the stack, ready to be used in another expression.  Compiling the above decaf code using this simple scheme might look like this:

enter $(8*2), $0
movq %rdi, -8(%rbp)

movq -8(%rbp), %r10
add $3, %r10
movq %r10, -16(%rbp)

movq -16(%rbp), %rax

.globl main
enter $(8 * 6), $0

call get_int_035
movq %rax, -8(%rbp)

movq -8(%rbp), %rdi
call foo
movq %rax, -16(%rbp)
movq -16(%rbp), %r10
movq %r10, -24(%rbp)

movq -24(%rbp), %r10
movq $15, %r11
cmp %r10, %r11
movq $0, %r11
movq $1, %r10
cmove %r10, %r11
movq %r11, -32(%rbp)

movq -32(%rbp), %r10
movq $1, %r11
cmp %r10, %r11
je .fifteen

movq $.what, %rdi
movq -24(%rbp), %rsi
movq $0, %rax
call printf
movq %rax, -40(%rbp)
jmp .fifteen_done

movq $.indeed, %rdi
movq $0, %rax
call printf
movq %rax, -48(%rbp)

movq $0, %rax

.string "Indeed, \'tis 15!\n"

.string "What! %d\n"

We shall dissect this assembly listing carefully and relate it to the Decaf code. Note that this is not the only possible assembly of the program; it only serves as an illustration of some techniques you can use in this project phase.

    enter $(8 * 2), $0
    movq %rdi, -8(%rbp)   


    movq	    -8(%rbp), %r10		
add $3, %r10
movq %r10, -16(%rbp)

	movq	 -16(%rbp), %rax

    .globl main
enter $(8 * 6), $0

    call    get_int_035
movq %rax, -8(%rbp)

    movq	    -8(%rbp), %rdi	
call foo
movq %rax, -16(%rbp)
movq -16(%rbp), %r10
movq %r10, -24(%rbp)

    movq     -24(%rbp), %r10
movq $15, %r11
cmp %r10, %r11
movq $0, %r11
movq $1, %r10
cmove %r10, %r11
movq %r11, -32(%rbp)

    movq     -32(%rbp), %r10
movq $1, %r11
cmp %r10, %r11
je .fifteen
jmp .fifteen_done

    	movq     $.what, %rdi
movq -24(%rbp), %rsi
movq $0, %rax
call printf
movq %rax, -40(%rbp)

	movq     $0, %rax
.string "Indeed, \'tis 15!\n"

.string "What! %d\n"


This handout only mentions a small subset of the rich possibilities provided by the x86-64 instruction set and architecture. For a more complete (but still readable) introduction, consult The AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual, Volume 1: Application Programming. Another helpful resource is the UC Davis AT\&T Assembly Syntax Guide


In the assembly syntax accepted by gcc, register names are always prefixed with %.  All of these registers are 64 bits wide.

The register file is as follows:

Register Purpose Saved across calls
%rax temp register; return value No
used to pass 4th argument to functions
used to pass 3rd argument to functions
%rsp stack pointer Yes
%rbp callee-saved; base pointer Yes
used to pass 2nd argument to functions
used to pass 1st argument to functions
used to pass 5th argument to functions
used to pass 6th argument to functions
callee-saved registers

For the code generation phase of the project you will not be performing register allocation.  You should use %r10 and %r11 for temporary values that you load from the stack.

Instruction Set

Each mnemonic opcode presented here represents a family of instructions. Within each family, there are variants which take different argument types (registers, immediate values, or memory addresses) and/or argument sizes (byte, word, double-word, or quad-word). The former can be distinguished from the prefixes of the arguments, and the latter by an optional one-letter suffix on the mnemonic.

For example, a movq instruction which sets the value of the 64-bit %rax register to the immediate value 3 can be written as

    movq    $3, %rax

Immediate operands are always prefixed by $. Un-prefixed operands are treated as memory addresses, and should be avoided since they are confusing.

For instructions which modify one of their operands, the operand which is modified appears second. This differs from the convention used by Microsoft’s and Borland’s assemblers, which are commonly used on DOS and Windows.

Opcode Description
Copying values
movq src, dest Copies a value from a register, immediate value or memory address to a register or memory address.
cmove %src, %dest Copies from register %src to register %dest if the last comparison operation had the corresponding result (cmove: equality, cmovne: inequality, cmovg: greater, cmovl: less, cmovge: greater or equal, cmovle: less or equal).
cmovne %src, %dest
cmovg %src, %dest
cmovl %src, %dest
cmovge %src, %dest
cmovle %src, %dest
Stack management
enter $x, $0 Sets up a procedure’s stack frame by first pushing the current value of %rbp on to the stack, storing the current value of %rsp in %rbp, and finally decreasing %rsp to make room for x byte-sized local variables.
leave Removes local variables from the stack frame by restoring the old values of %rsp and %rbp.
push src Decreases %rsp and places src at the new memory location pointed to by %rsp. Here, src can be a register, immediate value or memory address.
pop dest Copies the value stored at the location pointed to by %rsp to dest and increases %rsp. Here, dest can be a register or memory location.
Control flow
call target
Jump unconditionally to target and push return value (current PC + 1) onto stack.
Pop the return address off the stack and jump unconditionally to this address.
jmp target Jump unconditionally to target, which is specified as a memory location (for example, a label).
je target Jump to target if the last comparison had the corresponding result (je: equality; jne: inequality).
jne target
Arithmetic and logic
add src, dest Add src to dest.
sub src, dest Subtract src from dest.
imul src, dest Multiply dest by src.
idiv divisor Divide rdx:rax by divisor. Store quotient in rax and store remainder in rdx.
shr reg Shift reg to the left or right by value in cl (low 8 bits of rcx).
shl reg
ror src, dest Rotate dest to the left or right by src bits.
cmp src, dest Set flags corresponding to whether dest is less than, equal to, or greater than src

Stack Organization

Global and local variables are stored on the stack, a region of memory that is typically addressed by offsets from the registers %rbp and %rsp. Each procedure call results in the creation of a stack frame where the procedure can store local variables and temporary intermediate values for that invocation.The stack is organized as follows:

Position Contents Frame
8n+16(%rbp) argument n Previous
... ...
16(%rbp) argument 7
8(%rbp) return address Current
0(%rbp) previous %rbp value
-8(%rbp) locals and temps

Calling Convention

We will use the standard Linux function calling convention.  The calling convention is defined in detail in System V Application Binary Interface—AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement.  We will summarize the calling convention as it applies to decaf. 

The caller uses registers to pass the first 6 arguments to the callee.  Given the arguments in left-to-right order, the order of registers used is: %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, and %r9.  Any remaining arguments are passed on the stack in reverse order so that they can be popped off the stack in order. 

The callee is responsible for perserving the value of registers %rbp %rbx, and %r12-r15, as these registers are owned by the caller.  The remaining registers are owned by the callee. 

The callee places its return value in %rax and is responsible for cleaning up its local variables as well as for removing the return address from the stack. 

The call, enter, leave and ret instructions make it easy to follow this calling convention.

Since we follow the standard linux ABI, we can call C functions and library functions using our callout structure.  For the purposes of the project we are only going to call printf and get_int_035.  When calling printf, we must set the value of register %rax to 0 before issuing the call instruction.  This is because printf uses a variable number of arguments and %rax specifies how many SSE registers are used for the arguments.  For our purposes the value will always be 0.  Since callouts can only return an single integer value, we have provided a function get_int_035(), which will read a single integer input from the terminal and return its integer value.  This function is included in the 6035 static library.  We cannot use scanf because it returns the number of items read.